Sports Injuries And The Care Of Athletes

At Portland Chiropractic Group we don’t stop with expert spinal care. Spinal injuries in sports constitute only a small percentage of all athletic injuries. Thus, at Portland Chiropractic Group we are well prepared to manage the various musculoskeletal injuries that occur away from the spine. The physicians at our clinic diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate sports injuries including those of the extremities. Sports injuries are primarily musculoskeletal complaints and chiropractic physicians are experts in neuromusculoskeletal care.

At Portland Chiropractic Group we will use a holistic approach to help you recover from your sports-related injury. We will evaluate your problem and the kinetic chain surrounding your injury so that any related problems can be cleared up simultaneously. All aspects of your injury will be addressed including joint/bone, muscle/tendon/fascia, and nutritional components. With licensed massage therapists on staff and the use of a special soft tissue therapies such as Graston technique by some of our physicians, every soft tissue component of your injury will thoroughly addressed.

We also pay special attention to the nutritional aspects of athletic injury and performance. Nutrition can play a role in precompetition preparation, competition endurance, and all aspects of injury prevention and treatment.

Many professional athletic and sports organizations as well as individual high-performance athletes and their coaches recognize the value of chiropractic care for maximum musculoskeletal performance, prevention of injury, and management of injury. The list of advocates for chiropractic is long: Boxing heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield; Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, and Roger Craig of the four time Super Bowl champions San Francisco 49ers; Chi Chi Rodriguez in golf; world champion kick-boxer Dennis Alexio; as well as elite athletes from virtually every sport are becoming regular chiropractic patients. Many of these athletes insist on being adjusted by their chiropractors just prior to competition to optimize their performance.  The Players Association of the National Football League has made chiropractic care an integral part of its sports medicine program. The United States Olympic Committee and those of several other nations selected chiropractors as attending physicians at the Olympic Games. Chiropractors have also been retained at many other sporting events including the Pan Am Games, Goodwill Games, National Sports Festivals, New York and Boston Marathon and Ironman Triathalon.

On our list of patients are professional or former professional NBA players and ice skaters, roller blading world record holders, collegiate football and volleyball players, tennis pros and ranked amateurs, ski racing coaches, semi-pro soccer players, and others. Rest assured, we get just as much satisfaction from helping the amateur athlete and weekend warriors keep doing their thing as we do working with high level athletes.